--2017.01.25 80级服务器开放测试。--以及12小时之前GM发布的新讨论帖:不久的将来 60级一倍服“新翡翠梦境”将会重新开放:
To sum everything up, we can present the current decision:- Separate server, website, developers and staff,
- Community management based server - Player management and developer decisions only,
- Emerald Dream blizzlike rule set (players > GMs),
- Set release dates "as-is" scripted dungeons, events and raids,
- Population cap of 5000,
- No VP/VP without impact to gameplay (discussion for <30 items and bugged quest rewards),
- Minimal RP rewards for increased RP requirements.
总而言之就是 “独立的服务器,网站和开发者;没有VP,最小化RP(赞助)可能;人数上限5000,一倍服;忠于玩家的决定”
看来GM面对人数流失 只能这么放大招了