Guide: Pets in the Molten Core | 《MC宠物指南》

作者:Daenerys   翻译:Arkk


In every thread about Hunter damage in MC, the argument about pets is brought up. Other players (non-Hunters, of course) convince some Hunters that pets are worthless and, in some cases, demand pets be put away (so sad). Other Hunters, primarily those who have been doing MC for a long time, understand how valuable pets can be in MC. This comes at a cost, of course, but it’s not the cost you are likely thinking (pet dies, more food, waste of money…). Truth is, a pet should die rarely in MC, if you pay attention. And that’s the cost right there…you need to pay attention.

I did the following write-up for the Hunters in my guild. About 3 months ago, I left a guild that had been doing MC for months to start a new guild. Most of the new crew were unfamiliar with MC, and so were wary about pet usage in the Core. I think this helped a lot, and now I see a lot more animals running around on our raids than I used to.

Hope it helps all of you. Enjoy! (Note: I refer to Heathcliff a few times, he’s my cat)

Sad to say, but there is no reason to bring anything other than a DPS pet into MC. I don’t know about other animal types, but I do know that cats are at the top of the chart in terms of DPS. Perhaps a raptor could match, but I have never tamed one. Bears and wolfs have about 20% less DPS than cats. Sure, they have *slightly* more armor (less than 1% difference in damage reduction from my cat to my bear), but in MC that makes no difference when they can be killed in three hits or less (plus much of the damage is magic anyway).

Common sense point 1: At all times, just have bite and claw on autocast, other skills turned off. You should never need cower with the amount of aggro generated by an MC main tank, you certainly don’t want to use growl, and I find dash works better when manually cast (I have attack set to Ctrl-1 (default) and I moved dash to Ctrl-2 so I can hit it right after attack).

Common sense point 2: Never use mend pet during a battle. It will reduce your DPS for no reason. Pull your pet back to your side when he is hurt and get him after the battle. If he dies, he dies, and there is plenty of time between pulls to get him back up.

Blizzard made things simple on us by only including a few different types of mobs in MC. Some we can use pets effectively on, some we cannot. Knowing which is which is the key to keeping your pet alive! Here is a rundown (from memory, in order of appearance):

Molten Giant – Send in your pet but watch his health. The AoE stomp they have hit for about 1,000 damage, so pull your pet back once it has been hit two or three times. You can’t have your pet in there long, but every little bit helps.

Firelord – Pets own here. Best mob in there for pets, since they can pretty much survive the whole fight without taking a shred of damage. Typically, I send Heathcliff in on the Firelord and just leave him. I will make sure I am attacking Lava Spawns when they pop up, but Heathcliff is content to gnaw away at the Firelord.

Lava Annihilator – Aggro on these beasties is tenuous at best (not as bad as Surgers, but still not great), and your pet may take some collateral damage, but you can pretty much have him in there the whole time without worrying too much. As with all mobs, if your pet gets below ~35% health, just pull him back and let him sit out the rest of the fight.

Lava Surger – These guys are all over the place, and anyone/thing in its path will take ~1,000 damage when they surge. Your pet is no exception, but other than the surging damage, they are safe. Just watch out for surges hitting your pet too often and pull him back when he’s low.

Core Hound – These guys are tricky. I have mixed results, but placement is important. Never send your pet to the front of the mob, since the cone of fire will surely roast it. The MT will have it facing away, so its usually not an issue, but pets sometimes do work their way around the front for no reason, so you have to watch out for that.

Fire Imp – The AoE these guys have will probably kill your pet. Not much help here anyway, where AoE damage rules the fight.

Core Hound Pack – Single target damage here is bad, so pets should be left out of this one as well.

Firewalker/Flamegaurd/Lava Pack – These three and four pack pulls are the hardest trash in MC by a decent margin. Against the fire elementals, pets are not very good. You want to keep your distance, and so does your pet. Let the tanks deal with that damage! Once the fire guys are down, you have one or two rock elementals to deal with. Your pet can take some heavy damage if it is targeted for the random stun blast the rock guys have, but really, better your pet than another player, so it’s a fair tradeoff. No reason not to throw your pet into the fray when only the rock elementals remain.

I think that does it for trash. Bosses are a bit different, and your pet will not be doing much to very many of them. That said, it’s not a bad idea to have them out for some of the fights.

Against Luci, pets can help out on the minions a bit, and as long as they are far enough away from Luci’s AoE curse, no harm is done. You really don’t want them to get the curse, as I think they will go into the queue for decursing, and you want players to be the priority for that. If your pet is still alive after the minions are down, just have him hang out at your side while you stand at 41 yards, just outside range of the curse. Neither of you will get it, and that’s a good thing!
1。鲁西弗隆(Lucifron):宠物可以打Luci的2个小弟,只要小弟被拉离Luci的AOE诅咒范围就可以了,宠物是不会受到伤害的。最好不要让你的宠物受到诅咒,因为通常解诅咒是玩家优先的,宠物很少会受到照顾。如果Luci的2个小弟灭了之后你的宠物还活着,就让它回来。然后你站在离Luci 41码远的地方攻击,你和宠物都不会被诅咒的。

Heathcliff usually lives through a typical Magmadar attempt, attacking the big dog the entire time. The only thing that can be a problem is if Maggy throws a fireball directly in front of himself. If he does, just pull your pet back and wait till the fire subsides. I usually don’t even bother paying attention to Heathcliff, since he survives well in the fight and I am more concerned with tranquility shot.

For Gehennas, its basically the same as Luci.

On Garr, your pet can survive the whole fight if you treat him like any other melee. Just pull him back from minions when they have about 15% life (20% if pet is slowed) and he won’t take any damage. Eventually, send him in on Garr. No AoE to worry about, just exploding minions. Also, if you prefer, you can just stick him on Garr for the entire fight and forget about him.

For both Baron Geddon and Shazz, you can just leave your pet unsummoned. They do nothing good, and only serve as extra targets for decursing. I’m still hoping to get the bomb from Geddon on Heathcliff and unsummon him for some fun in IF, but I have heard this cannot be done anymore.
5。伽顿男爵(Baron Geddon) / 6。沙斯拉尔(Shazzrah):对这2个BOSS,你最好把宠物解散掉。因为很难起到什么作用,而且会增加解诅咒的数量。其实我很想让Heathcliff(我的宠物)中了炸弹后解散,然后带回铁炉堡玩玩,呵呵。不过听说好象现在已经不可以了。

Pets can be used on Sulfuron’s minions without much worry. I usually hold back on Sulf himself though.
7。萨弗隆先驱者(Sulfuron Harbinger):宠物可以打Sulf的小弟。不过打Sulf本人的时候我通常让宠物留在身边。

Pets cannot attack against Golemag, but they serve another purpose. He has a random target fireball that does a pretty large chunk of damage (I don’t remember the amount, but it’s enough to make you say “oh crap!” when you get hit by it!). Pets are a great target for this, because that means it did not hit you, another Hunter, Mage, Priest, Warlock, etc. Don’t even bother sending them in for melee, as Golemag’s DoT stacks on any melee attacker quickly.
8。焚化者古雷曼格(Golemagg the Incinerator):宠物不能打古雷曼格,但是却有其他的妙用。古雷曼格会随机丢一个大火球,威力很大(我不记得具体伤害是多少了,但砸在你身上时足够让你喊“啊,好痛~~”)宠物是BOSS丢火球的最好目标,因为这样就意味着火球不会砸在你身上,或另一个猎人,法师,牧师,战士的身上了。也不要怕麻烦而不让你的宠物冲上去,因为如果宠物不上去,古雷曼格的DOT就会迅速叠加到每一个肉搏攻击者的身上。

For Domo, I like to have Heathcliff hanging out till later on in the fight in case there are any issues and DPS becomes crucial. He usually dies, but he helps take the last few mobs down quickly, so he did his job. Keep in mind that the damage shield will reflect pet specials, so you might be better off just turning autocast bite and claw off for the duration of the fight.
9。管理者埃克索图斯(Majordomo Executus):我首先会让Heathcliff(我的宠物)随时待命,等到战斗后期需要DPS的关键时刻或其他紧急状况下我再派它上去。通常它会牺牲,但是它在关键时刻加快了杀怪的速度,他起到了他的作用。值得注意的是那个盾会反弹宠物的特殊攻击,所以最好在战斗之前关掉撕咬和爪击的自动施放。

I still have not figured out the best use for Heathcliff in the Rag fight. I am thinking I want to have him unsummoned till the Sons phase, then call him out for some extra DPS. Rag’s AoE will tear him apart, but he can help a lot on the Sons as long as he doesn’t get aggro. Most of the time I forget to summon him, and since we kill Rag with little trouble, it's not a big deal.

Anyway, sorry about the long read, but I hope this helps you guys use your pets to their max potential in MC. As mentioned earlier, it took me a long time to feel comfortable enough in MC to even summon out my pet. By trial and error, I figured out where pet can help and where they can be a hindrance. I think you will all be pleasantly surprised when you can go through an MC run with only a handful of pet deaths and see an additional 50,000-100,000 damage added to what you did that run.

NEW FOR 1.7: Additional pet buffs in 1.7 will not change any of this dramatically. Your pet will be able to take a bit more damage, but you should follow all the same guidelines for the mobs set out above. I guess the biggest benefit will be increased survivablity to Rag. Maybe pets will actually contribute some decent DPS in that fight, rather than dying in the first few seconds.