下列物品在1.10 版本得到了更新:
Acidic Walkers    酸性长靴
Angerforge's Battle Axe 安格弗的战斧
Arbiter's Blade 仲裁者之刃
Armswake Cloak 振奋披风
Astral Knot Blouse 星结外衣
Astral Knot Robe 星结长袍
Augural Shroud 前兆头巾
Backusarian Gauntlets 班诺克护手
Ban'thok Sash 奥科索尔腰带
Bashguuder 巴什古德之锤
Blackblade of Shahram 沙赫拉姆黑剑
Blackcrow 黑鸦
Blackmist Armguards 黑雾护臂
Blackveil Cape 黑雾斗篷
Bleak Howler Armguards 座狼护臂
Blood-etched Blade 血蚀之刃
Bloodmail Belt 血链腰带
Bloodmail Boots 血链战靴
Bloodmail Gauntlets 血链护手
Bloodmail Legguards 血链腿甲
Boneclenched Gauntlets  骨节护手
Bonereaver's Edge 削骨之刃
Boots of the Shrieker 尖叫者之靴
Boreal Mantle 北地衬肩
Brazecore Armguards 焰心护臂
Brigam Girdle 黑龙束带
Burstshot Harquebus 爆击火枪
Butcher's Apron 屠夫披风
Cadaverous Belt 苍白腰带
Cadaverous Gloves 苍白手套
Cadaverous Leggings 苍白护腿
Cadaverous Walkers  苍白靴子
Cape of the Fire Salamander 火灵斗篷
Circle of Flame 烈焰之环
Coal Miner Boots 煤工长靴
Crystallized Girdle 晶化束带
Cyclopean Band 巨石指环
Death's Clutch 死亡指节
Death's Head Vestment 亡首外衣
Deathbone Chestplate 亡骨胸甲
Deathbone Gauntlets 亡骨护手
Deathbone Girdle 亡骨束带
Deathbone Legguards 亡骨腿甲
Deathbone Sabatons 亡骨马靴
Demonic Runed Spaulders 恶魔符文肩铠
Demonshear 斩魔者
Dracorian Gauntlets 龙玉护手
Dreamscale Breastplate 梦幻龙鳞胸甲
Dustfeather Sash 尘羽腰带
Earthslag Shoulders 土渣护肩
Ebonsteel Spaulders 乌钢肩甲
Fallbrush Handgrips 落木护手
Fang of the Mystics 秘法之牙
Field Marshal's Chain Breastplate 元帅的链甲护胸
Field Marshal's Chain Helm 元帅的链甲头盔
Field Marshal's Chain Spaulders  元帅的链甲护肩
Field Marshal's Coronal 元帅的头冠
Field Marshal's Coronet 元帅的丝质宝冠
Field Marshal's Dragonhide Breastplate 元帅的龙皮胸甲
Field Marshal's Dragonhide Helmet 元帅的龙皮头盔
Field Marshal's Dragonhide Spaulders 元帅的龙皮肩甲
Field Marshal's Dreadweave Robe 元帅的鬼纹长袍
Field Marshal's Dreadweave Shoulders 元帅的鬼纹护肩
Field Marshal's Headdress 元帅的头饰
Field Marshal's Lamellar Chestplate 元帅的板层甲护胸
Field Marshal's Lamellar Faceguard 元帅的板层甲头盔
Field Marshal's Lamellar Pauldrons 元帅的板层甲肩铠
Field Marshal's Leather Chestpiece统帅的板层甲腿铠
Field Marshal's Leather Epaulets 元帅的皮甲肩饰
Field Marshal's Leather Mask 元帅的皮甲面具
Field Marshal's Plate Armor 元帅的板甲护胸
Field Marshal's Plate Helm 元帅的板甲头盔
Field Marshal's Plate Shoulderguards 元帅的板甲护肩
Field Marshal's Satin Mantle  元帅的板甲护肩
Field Marshal's Satin Vestments 元帅的绸缎外衣
Field Marshal's Silk Spaulders 元帅的丝质肩甲
Field Marshal's Silk Vestments 元帅的丝质外衣
Fists of Phalanx 法拉克斯之拳
Flame Walkers 烈焰行者
Flamestrider Robes  烈焰行者长袍
Fleetfoot Greaves 铁索胫甲
Force of Magma 熔岩之力
Freezing Lich Robes 寒冰巫妖法袍
Funeral Pyre Vestment 火葬外衣
General's Chain Boots 将军的链甲战靴
General's Chain Gloves 将军的链甲手套
General's Chain Legguards 将军的链甲护腿
General's Dragonhide Boots 将军的龙皮战靴
General's Dragonhide Gloves 将军的龙皮手套
General's Dragonhide Leggings 将军的鬼纹护腿
General's Dreadweave Boots 将军的鬼纹长靴
General's Dreadweave Gloves 将军的鬼纹手套
General's Dreadweave Pants 将军的鬼纹短裤
General's Leather Legguards 将军的皮甲护腿
General's Leather Mitts 将军的皮甲手套
General's Leather Treads 将军的皮甲战靴
General's Mail Boots 将军的锁甲战靴
General's Mail Gauntlets 将军的锁甲护手
General's Mail Leggings 将军的锁甲护腿
General's Plate Boots  将军的板甲战靴
General's Plate Gauntlets 将军的板甲护手
General's Plate Leggings 将军的板甲护腿
General's Satin Boots 将军的绸缎长靴
General's Satin Gloves 将军的绸缎手套
General's Satin Leggings 将军的绸缎护腿
General's Silk Boots 将军的丝质长靴
General's Silk Handguards 将军的丝质护手
General's Silk Trousers 将军的丝质长裤
Gilded Gauntlets 镀金护手
Graverot Cape 腐烂斗篷
Grimgore Noose 肮脏的套索
Grizzle's Skinner 格里兹尔的剥皮斧
Guiding Stave of Wisdom 智慧手杖
Halycon's Spiked Collar 哈雷肯的项圈
Handcrafted Mastersmith Leggings 手工精制护腿
Houndmaster's Rifle 驯犬者步枪
Hurley's Tankard 霍尔雷的酒杯
Kentic Amice 肯提克护肩
Kindling Stave 引火手杖
Lavacrest Leggings 火浪护腿
Lead Surveyor's Mantle 首席测量员的衬肩
Lesser Spellfire Robes 次级魔焰长袍
Luminary Kilt 渊博褶裙
Maelstrom Leggings 漩涡护腿
Magus Ring 首席法师之戒
Manaweave Robe 法纹长袍
Mar Alom's Grip  玛洛姆之握
Marshal's Chain Boots 统帅的链甲战靴
Marshal's Chain Grips 统帅的链甲护手
Marshal's Chain Legguards 统帅的链甲护腿
Marshal's Dragonhide Boots 统帅的龙皮战靴
Marshal's Dragonhide Gauntlets 统帅的龙皮手套
Marshal's Dragonhide Legguards  统帅的龙皮腿甲
Marshal's Dreadweave Boots 统帅的鬼纹长靴
Marshal's Dreadweave Gloves 统帅的鬼纹手套
Marshal's Dreadweave Leggings 元帅的鬼纹护腿
Marshal's Lamellar Boots 统帅的板层甲战靴
Marshal's Lamellar Gloves 统帅的板层甲手套
Marshal's Lamellar Legplates 统帅的板层甲腿铠
Marshal's Leather Footguards 统帅的皮甲护足
Marshal's Leather Handgrips 统帅的皮甲护手
Marshal's Leather Leggings 统帅的皮甲护腿
Marshal's Plate Boots 统帅的板甲战靴
Marshal's Plate Gauntlets 统帅的板甲护手
Marshal's Plate Legguards 统帅的板甲护腿
Marshal's Satin Gloves 统帅的绸缎手套
Marshal's Satin Pants 统帅的绸缎短裤
Marshal's Satin Sandals 统帅的绸缎便鞋
Marshal's Silk Footwraps 统帅的丝质裹足
Marshal's Silk Gloves 统帅的丝质手套
Marshal's Silk Leggings 统帅的丝质护腿
Mastersmith's Hammer 大铸甲师之锤
Mixologist's Tunic 调酒大师的外套
Molten Fists 熔岩之拳
Naglering 阿格曼奇之戒
Necromantic Band 妖术指环
Necropile Boots 骨堆长靴
Necropile Cuffs 骨堆腕轮
Necropile Leggings 骨堆护腿
Necropile Mantle 骨堆衬肩
Necropile Robe 骨堆长袍
Nether-lace Robe 虚灵长袍
Nether-lace Tunic 虚灵外套
Night Watch Pantaloons  守夜人马裤
Ogreseer Fists 食人魔先知之拳
Ogreseer Tower Boots 食人魔先知长靴
Omnicast Boots 全法长靴
Onyxia Blood Talisman 奥妮克希亚龙血护符
Phase Blade 相位之刃
Plate of the Shaman King 萨满之王的板甲
Relentless Scythe 无情镰刀
Resurgence Rod  苏醒之杖
Robe of the Void 虚空法袍
Robes of the Royal Crown 皇冠法袍
Rock Golem Bulwark 石傀儡之盾
Rosewine Circle 红木之环
Royal Cap Spaulders 皇家肩甲
Royal Decorated Armor 盛饰护甲
Rubicund Armguards 透红护臂
Runeblade of Baron Rivendare 瑞文戴尔之剑
Sash of the Burning Heart 燃心腰带
Satyr's Bow 萨特强弓
Savage Gladiator Chain 野蛮角斗士链甲
Savage Gladiator Greaves  野蛮角斗士护胫
Savage Gladiator Grips野蛮角斗士护手
Savage Gladiator Helm 野蛮角斗士 头盔
Savage Gladiator Leggings野蛮角斗士护腿
Scepter of the Unholy 邪恶权杖
Searingscale Leggings 灼鳞护腿
Seeping Willow 横扫重锤
Senior Designer's Pantaloons 主设计师的长裤
Shadefiend Boots 蛛魔长靴
Silkweb Gloves 丝网手套
Skul's Cold Embrace 丝网手套
Slashclaw Bracers 狼爪护腕
Slavedriver's Cane 驱奴藤条
Spiderfang Carapace 巨蛛甲壳
Spidertank Oilrag 蜘蛛坦克油布
Spire of the Stoneshaper 塑石法杖
Spiritshroud Leggings 裹灵护腿
Splinthide Shoulders 碎鳞护肩
Spritecaster Cape 灵法斗篷
Star of Mystaria 秘术之星
Stoneshell Guard 石壳盾牌
Stonewall Girdle 石墙腰带
Sunderseer Mantle  碎裂先知衬肩
Swampland Trousers 沼泽长裤
Swiftdart Battleboots 迅捷战靴
Talisman of Evasion 迅捷战靴
Thaurissan's Royal Scepter 索瑞森皇家节杖
The Postmaster's Band 邮差头环
The Postmaster's Seal 邮差的徽记
The Postmaster's Treads 邮差的布靴
The Postmaster's Trousers  邮差长裤
The Postmaster's Tunic 邮差外套
Timmy's Galoshes 提米的靴子
Tombstone Breastplate  墓碑胸甲
Tooth of Gnarr 咆哮之牙
Tressermane Leggings 织鬃护腿
Trindlehaven Staff  庇护法杖
Trueaim Gauntlets 精准手套
Unbridled Leggings 放肆护腿
Vambraces of the Sadist 虐待者臂铠
Voone's Vice Grips 沃恩的邪恶之握
Wailing Nightbane Pauldrons 哀嚎肩甲
Wandering Boots 游荡长靴
Warlord's Chain Chestpiece 督军的链甲护胸
Warlord's Chain Helmet 督军的链甲头盔
Warlord's Chain Shoulders 督军的链甲护肩
Warlord's Dragonhide Epaulets 督军的龙皮肩饰
Warlord's Dragonhide Hauberk 督军的龙皮锁甲
Warlord's Dragonhide Helmet 督军的龙皮头盔
Warlord's Dreadweave Hood 督军的鬼纹罩帽
Warlord's Dreadweave Mantle 督军的鬼纹衬肩
Warlord's Dreadweave Robe 督军的鬼纹长袍
Warlord's Leather Breastplate 督军的皮甲护胸
Warlord's Leather Helm 督军的皮甲头盔
Warlord's Leather Spaulders 督军的皮甲肩甲
Warlord's Mail Armor 督军的锁甲护胸
Warlord's Mail Helm 督军的锁甲头盔
Warlord's Mail Spaulders 督军的锁甲肩铠
Warlord's Plate Armor 督军的板甲护胸
Warlord's Plate Headpiece 督军的板甲头盔
Warlord's Plate Shoulders 督军的板甲护肩
Warlord's Satin Cowl 督军的绸缎罩帽
Warlord's Satin Mantle 督军的绸缎衬肩
Warlord's Satin Robes 督军的绸缎长袍
Warlord's Silk Amice 督军的丝质披肩
Warlord's Silk Cowl 督军的丝质罩帽
Warlord's Silk Raiment 督军的丝质外衣
Wildfire Cape 野火斗篷
Willey's Portable Howitzer 威利的便携式榴弹炮
Windreaver Greaves 疾风胫甲
Witchblade 女巫之刃
Wolfrunner Shoes 驭狼者软鞋
Wolfshear Leggings 狼牙护腿
Woollies of the Prancing Minstrel 吟游诗人热裤


Amalgam's Band 阿玛加姆的指环

Amulet of the Redeemed 救赎者项链
Band of Mending 修复之戒
Band of the Steadfast Hero 坚韧英雄指环
Banner of Provocation 未完成的挑战之旗
Beads of Ogre Might 食人魔的力量珠串
Beads of Ogre Mojo
Beastmaster's Belt兽王腰带
Beastmaster's Bindings 兽王护腕
Beastmaster's Boots 兽王长靴
Beastmaster's Cap 兽王罩帽
Beastmaster's Gloves 兽王短裤
Beastmaster's Mantle 兽王护肩
Beastmaster's Pants 兽王短裤
Beastmaster's Tunic 兽王外套
Belt of Heroism 英勇腰带
Belt of the Trickster 狡诈者腰带
Bindings of The Five Thunders 五雷护腕
Black Grasp of the Destroyer 毁灭者的黑暗之握
Black Steel Bindings Black Steel Bindings 黑钢护腕
Blackrock Bracer 黑石护腕
Blade of Necromancy 通灵之刃
Bloodcap 血帽
Bloodclot Band 血块指环
Bloodkelp 血藻
Bloodkelp Elixir of Dodging 血藻闪避药剂
Bloodkelp Elixir of Resistance 血藻抗性药剂
Blue Dinner Suit 蓝色宴会服
Boots of Ferocity凶猛之靴
Boots of Heroism 英勇长靴 
Boots of The Five Thunders 五雷长靴
Bracers of Heroism 英勇护腕
Brazier of Beckoning 召唤火盆
Brazier of Invocation 符咒火盆
Brazier of Invocation: User's Manual 符咒火盆用户手册
Breastplate of Heroism 英勇胸甲
Brilliant Sword of Zealotry 狂热光芒之剑
Cinder of Cynders 灰烬公爵的残渣
Coif of The Five Thunders 五雷罩帽
Cord of The Five Thunders 五雷腰带
Dark Warder's Pauldrons 黑暗守望者肩甲
Darkmantle Belt 暗幕腰带
Darkmantle Boots 暗幕腰带
Darkmantle Bracers 暗幕腰带
Darkmantle Cap 暗幕腰带
Darkmantle Gloves 暗幕腰带
Darkmantle Pants 暗幕腰带
Darkmantle Spaulders 暗幕腰带
Darkmantle Tunic 暗幕腰带
Deathmist Belt 死雾腰带
Deathmist Bracers 死雾护腕
Deathmist Leggings 死雾护腿
Deathmist Mantle 死雾衬肩
Deathmist Mask 死雾面具
Deathmist Robe  死雾长袍
Deathmist Sandals 死雾便鞋
Deathmist Wraps 死雾裹手
Desertwalker Cane 沙漠行者藤条
Devilsaur Barb 魔暴龙之刺
Diana's Pearl Necklace 蒂亚娜的珍珠项链 
Don Mauricio's Band of Domination 莫里希奥的统御指环
Doomulus Prime 康恩之怒
Draconian Aegis of the Legion 军团徽记龙盾
Draconic Infused Emblem 龙人能量徽章
Dragonskin Cowl 龙皮罩帽
Ectoplasmic Distiller 灵质提纯器
Elixir of Greater Firepower 强效火力药剂
Ember of Emberseer 艾博希尔灰烬
Entrenching Boots 冒犯之靴
Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer 超维度幽灵显形器
Fahrad's Reloading Repeater Fahrad's Reloading Repeater
Faith Healer's Boots 虔诚医者长靴
Fel Elemental Rod 恶魔元素之杖
Feralheart Belt 狂野之心腰带
Feralheart Boots 狂野之心长靴
Feralheart Bracers 狂野之心护腕
Feralheart Cowl 狂野之心罩帽
Feralheart Gloves  狂野之心手套
Feralheart Kilt  狂野之心褶裙
Feralheart Spaulders 狂野之心肩甲
Feralheart Vest 狂野之心胸甲
Firemoss Boots 狂野之心长靴
Flarethorn 火焰荆棘
Foreman's Head Protector 工头的面甲
Forest's Embrace 森林的拥抱
Formula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility 公式:附魔双手武器 - 敏捷
Frozen Ectoplasm 冰冻的灵质
Gauntlets of Deftness 灵巧护手
Gauntlets of Heroism 英勇护手
Gauntlets of The Five Thunders 五雷护手
Golem Fitted Pauldrons  石傀儡肩铠
Gorishi Sting 格里什钉刺
Grand Marshal's Demolisher 大元帅的破坏者
Grand Marshal's Mageblade大元帅的法师之刃
Grand Marshal's Swiftblade 大元帅的迅捷之刃
Grand Marshal's Tome of Power 大元帅的力量之书
Grand Marshal's Tome of Restoration 大元帅的恢复之书
Grand Marshal's Warhammer 大元帅的战锤
Greaves of Withering Despair 凋零绝望胫甲
Grizzled Pelt 斑白毛皮
Hallowed Brazier 空火盆
Hammer of Divine Might 圣力之锤
Hammer of Revitalization 新生之锤
Handguards of Savagery 残暴护手
Heart of Wyrmthalak维姆萨拉克之心
Heavy Obsidian Belt 重型黑曜石腰带
Helm of Heroism 英勇头盔
Helm of the Executioner 刽子手的头盔
Helm of the New Moon 新月头盔
High Warlord's Battle Mace 高阶督军的战斗钉锤
High Warlord's Destroyer 高阶督军的毁灭者
High Warlord's Quickblade 高阶督军的迅捷之刃
High Warlord's Spellblade 高阶督军的法术之刃
High Warlord's Tome of Destruction 高阶督军的毁灭宝典
High Warlord's Tome of Mending 高阶督军的治愈之书
Huntsman's Harpoon 猎手之矛
Idol of Ferocity 凶猛神像
Idol of Health 健康神像
Idol of Rejuvenation  活力神像
Incendicite of Incendius 伊森迪奥斯的余炭
Incomplete Banner of Provocation 未完成的挑战之旗
Ironweave Belt  铁纹腰带
Ironweave Boots 铁纹靴子
Ironweave Bracers 铁纹护腕
Ironweave Cowl 铁纹罩帽
Ironweave Gloves 铁纹手套
Ironweave Mantle 铁纹衬肩
Ironweave Pants 铁纹短裤
Ironweave Robe 铁纹长袍
Jagged Obsidian Shield 碎裂黑曜石盾牌
Jeering Spectre's Essence 游荡鬼灵的精华
Juno's Shadow 朱诺之影
Kayser's Boots of Precision 凯瑟尔的精准之靴
Kilt of The Five Thunders 五雷褶裙
Lavastone Hammer 熔岩石锤
Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet 瓦塔拉克饰品的左半边
Lefty's Brass Knuckle 左撇子的黄铜指虎
Leggings of Frenzied Magic 狂乱魔 法护腿
Leggings of Torment 折磨护腿
Legplates of Heroism 英勇腿铠
Legplates of Vigilance 警觉腿铠
Libram of Grace 优雅圣物
Libram of Hope 希望圣物
Libram of Truth 真言圣物
Light Obsidian Belt 轻型黑曜石腰带
Lord Valthalak's Amulet 瓦塔拉克饰品
Lord Valthalak's Staff of Command 瓦塔拉克公爵的命令法杖
Lovely Black Dress 可爱的黑裙子
Lovely Blue Dress 可爱的蓝裙子
Lovely Purple Dress 可爱的紫裙子
Lovely Red Dress 可爱的红裙子
Magma Core 岩浆核心
Magma Forged Band 岩浆指环
Malgen's Long Bow 玛尔根的长弓
Mana Shaping Handwraps 法术塑能裹手
Mantle of Lost Hope 失落希望衬肩
Mantle of the Scarlet Crusade 血色十字军衬肩
Marksman's Girdle 神射手束带
Moonshadow Stave 月影手杖
Obsidian Mail Tunic 黑曜石锁甲
Ogre Warbeads 食人魔珠串
Outrider's Chain Leggings 护卫的链甲护腿
Outrider's Leather Pants 护卫的皮甲护腿
Outrider's Lizardhide Pants 护卫的蜥蜴皮裤
Outrider's Mail Leggings 护卫的锁甲护腿
Outrider's Plate Legguards 护卫的板甲护腿
Outrider's Silk Leggings 护卫的丝质护腿
Pattern: Stormshroud Gloves 图样:雷暴手套
Pauldrons of The Five Thunders 五雷肩甲
Pendant of Celerity 迅捷坠饰
Persuader 说服者
Plans: Black Grasp of the Destroyer 设计图:毁灭者的黑暗之握
Plans: Heavy Obsidian Belt 设计图:重型黑曜石腰带
Plans: Jagged Obsidian Shield 设计图:碎裂黑曜石盾牌
Plans: Light Obsidian Belt 设计图:轻型黑曜石腰带
Plans: Obsidian Mail Tunic 设计图:黑曜石锁甲
Plans: Persuader 设计图:说服者
Plans: Sageblade 设计图:先知之刃
Plans: Thick Obsidian Breastplate 设计图:厚重黑曜石胸甲
Plans: Titanic Leggings 设计图:泰坦护腿
Purple Dinner Suit 紫色宴会服
Putrid Vine腐烂藤蔓
Ravenholdt Slicer 拉文霍德切割者
Recipe: Elixir of Greater Firepower 配方:强效火力药剂
Red Dinner Suit 红色宴会服
Redemption 救赎
Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet 瓦塔拉克饰品的右半边
Ritssyn's Wand of Bad Mojo 雷特森的魔精手杖
Rune Band of Wizardry 巫师符文指环
Sageblade 先知之刃
Sash of the Grand Hunt 追猎腰带
Scepter of Interminable Focus 无限专注节杖
Scorched Ectoplasm 烧焦的灵质
Sealed Blood Container 封起来的血液容器
Sealed Venom Container 封起来的毒液容器
Sentinel's Chain Leggings 哨兵的链甲护腿
Sentinel's Lamellar Legguards 哨兵的板层腿甲
Sentinel's Leather Pants 哨兵的皮甲护腿
Sentinel's Lizardhide Pants 哨兵的蜥蜴皮裤
Sentinel's Plate Legguards 哨兵的板甲护腿
Sentinel's Silk Leggings 哨兵的丝质护腿
Shadow Prowler's Cloak  暗影徘徊者披风
Shivsprocket's Shiv 开闸刀
Shroud of Arcane Mastery 奥术掌握裹衣
Shroud of Domination 统御裹衣
Silithus Venom Sample 希利苏斯毒液样品
Simone's Cultivating Hammer 西蒙尼的耕种用锤
Soot Encrusted Footwear 煤烟护足
Sorcerer's Belt 巫师腰带
Sorcerer's Bindings 巫师护腕
Sorcerer's Boots 巫师软靴
Sorcerer's Crown 巫师头冠
Sorcerer's Gloves 巫师手套
Sorcerer's Leggings 巫师护腿
Sorcerer's Mantle 巫师护肩
Sorcerer's Robes 巫师长袍
Soul Ashes of the Banished 放逐者的灵魂灰烬
Soulforge Belt 魂铸腰带
Soulforge Boots 魂铸长靴
Soulforge Bracers  魂铸护腕
Soulforge Breastplate  魂铸胸甲
Soulforge Gauntlets 魂铸护手
Soulforge Helm 魂铸头盔
Soulforge Legplates 魂铸腿甲
Soulforge Spaulders 魂铸肩铠
Spaulders of Heroism 英勇肩铠
Spellweaver's Turban 织法者头巾
Stable Ectoplasm 稳定的灵质
Staff of Metanoia 混乱法杖
Starbreeze Village Relic 星风村遗物
Stormshroud Gloves 雷暴手套
The Jaw Breaker 腭骨粉碎者
The Thunderwood Poker 雷木之刺
Thick Obsidian Breastplate 厚重黑曜石胸甲
Thuzadin Mantle 图萨丁衬肩
Titanic Leggings 泰坦护腿
Tome of Divine Right 神圣权力之书
Tome of the Lost 失落之书
Top Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet 瓦塔拉克饰品的上半边
Totem of Life 生命图腾
Totem of Rage 怒气图腾
Totem of Rebirth  重生图腾
Tunic of the Crescent Moon 月牙外套
Verek's Leash 维雷克的束缚
Vest of The Five Thunders 五雷外套
Virtuous Belt 坚贞腰带
Virtuous Bracers 坚贞护腕
Virtuous Crown 坚贞头冠
Virtuous Gloves 坚贞手套
Virtuous Mantle 坚贞衬肩
Virtuous Robe 坚贞长袍
Virtuous Sandals 坚贞便鞋
Virtuous Skirt  坚贞长裙 
Wand of Eternal Light 永恒光明魔杖
Willey's Back Scratcher 威利的痒痒挠
Winterspring Blood Sample 冬泉谷血样
Wristguards of Renown 名望护腕
Ysida's Locket伊斯达的盒子
Ysida's Satchel 伊斯达的背包

Hunting for Ectoplasm 猎取灵质
Return to Deliana 向德莉亚娜回复
Return to Mokvar 向莫克瓦尔回复
Return to Bodley 回到布德利那里
One Commendation Signet 一枚荣誉徽章
Ten Commendation Signets 十枚荣誉徽章
A Better Ingredient 更好的材料
A Portable Power Source便携的能量源
A Shifty Merchant 小巧的商人
A Supernatural Device 超自然的设备
An Earnest Proposition 热心的建议
Anthion's Old Friend  安泰恩的老朋友
Anthion's Parting Words 安希恩的离别感言
Anthion's Strange Request 安泰恩的奇怪请求
Back to the Beginning 回到原点
Bloodpetal Poison 血瓣毒药
Bodley's Unfortunate Fate 伯德雷的不幸
Components of Importance 重要的材料
Dead Man's Plea 死人的请求
Falrin's Vendetta 法尔林的复仇
Final Preparations 最后的准备
I See Alcaz Island In Your Future... 奥卡兹岛在你前方……
In Search of Anthion 寻找安泰恩
Just Compensation 公平的补偿
Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak 瓦塔拉克公爵
More Components of Importance 更多重要的材料
Proof of Life 生命的证据
Saving the Best for Last 最后的奖赏
The Challenge 挑战
The Ectoplasmic Distiller 灵质提纯器
The Instigator's Enchantment 旗帜上的附魔
The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet 瓦萨拉克护符的左半块
The Perfect Poison 完美的毒药
The Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet 瓦萨拉克护符的右半块
The Super Egg-O-Matic 超级测蛋器
Three Kings of Flame 烈焰之王
Torwa Pathfinder 托尔瓦·寻路者