Darkrasp 在一个名为《http://forums.crestfall-gaming.com/index.php?/topic/308-lets-stop-compare-retail-vanilla-with-private-server-vanilla/&page=1》的帖子里面,谈到了下列关于副本难度和其他bug的处理方针:
1. DPS水平
There's a lot of exploitative nonsense that people do on private servers to boost their dps to crazy levels. Typically world buff stacking and exploiting bugs with On Use items, and/or broken On Hit proc scaling, or unintentional scaling on weapons or items with additional elemental damage. You can find video of people doing 1700+ DPS on Vanilla private servers.
On retail it took a very good, very well geared rogue to hit 800dps on Patchwerk. I suppose 1k would be possible with additional Naxx gear, depending on party composition, though I'll admit I'm not even marginally familiar with anything but Mage. Mage DPS at that point varied tremendously based on your luck with ignite stacks. I'd expect to see normal DPS numbers in the 650-750 range for most players of most classes and specs on a first Patchwerk kill.
Darkrasp不齿有些私服里面通过滥用buf等机制弄到1700+DPS的行径。 在他看来,当初官服里面一个极品盗贼打帕奇维克也只能有800DPS,要是能有NAXX的极品装备或许能到1000。他期望不论职业天赋,绝大多数的玩家在第一次面对帕奇维克时,理想正常DPS水平应该在650--750之间。
2. 副本难度调整
We want to make the game more than just a faceroll for everyone, including the top guilds. Blizzard had a habit of releasing overtuned, extremely difficult content and then toning it down as time went on, both directly by nerfing the encounters, and indirectly by introducing better-itemized gear that was more accessible. To that end, in order to make the game more difficult, we're CONSIDERING ways of buffing the encounters, withholding and/or nerfing the gear, or taking other measures to counteract (relatively) recent innovations. These solutions, in whatever form they end up taking, can and probably will be reduced and/or removed as time goes on in order to allow "catch-up" progression, much like how Blizzard did it.
There is a point where "clever use of game mechanics" turns into "unintended use of game mechanics". Blizzard isn't around to prevent players from using level 10 warlock alts to soulstone their entire raids before a tough boss pull, but you can bet that if they were, they'd be hotfixing that.
If you would like to propose some solutions, we're perfectly willing to listen, but one way or another, the vanilla game is going to be made more difficult than it used to be. That's part of our vision here and it's something you're going to have to accept. We're willing to listen to community input into the methodology we choose for doing so, so here's your opportunity to help shape the server.
Blizzard有个赖习惯 --- 先搞极难的出,各种花式虐狗,满足之后再或明或暗的调整难度,包括弱化怪物和引入更易得的更好的物品等无耻行径,:)。
Improving Boss AI, making the abilities more random and more frequent, is my primary and preferred method for increasing raid difficulty. We've already committed to removing the new items added in 1.9 (it's actually already done, I have created and assigned all the effected loot templates already), and we have some volunteers working on preliminary work for rolling back stats on some items that were buffed in 1.10. Beyond that, and this is including changes to world buffs among all the other suggestions and ideas,everything is purely speculation. We have not committed to any of those changes.
As Imbaslap alluded to, there's a limit to how far you want to go. I don't really see a need to buff AQ/Naxx. Scripted properly, they are plenty difficult enough. Besides, making changes like slightly randomizing the arc range on C'thun's chain lightning to mess up the "C'thun Warner" addon is just plain mean. We're only really looking at MC and BWL in terms of making them harder, and we'd prefer to do it in a way that we can revert later so as to reduce the barrier to entry for casuals in those instances, which really shouldn't be *that* difficult to begin with. The idea though of someone clearing BWL 90 minutes after it's release is pretty abhorrent to me.
Darkrasp倾向于给副本增加一定维度/程度的随机性,以此来提高raid的难度。那些在1.9 patch中加入的物品早就被清空了,那些在1.10中被buf过的物品也都正确回归原始状态。
AQ/NAXX不会做什么调整,这俩货本身就已经足够难了 --- 如果服务器的开发人员不是蠢货而且写出了合适的脚本的话。他们现在盯着MC和BWL。 那些什么开放90分钟就全通BWL的玩意真是把Darkrasp恶心坏了
What I'm most interested in at this point is closing loopholes. My understanding is that there was some shenanigans people would pull with rogues using the Kazzak necklace and stacking spellpower gear to do large amounts of fire damage on every hit because it was erroneously applying a high spellpower coefficient, or popping trinkets and swapping them out pre-pull, but keeping the buffs thanks to crappy aura handling. Those kinds of bugs need to be resolved, and I think everyone can agree they are purely exploitative behaviors.
Darkrasp 最心痒的是某些变态玩家发掘的机制性漏洞 ---
比如偷buf后换饰品 。。。
5. 题外话
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