Kronos III 正式开启
首先,我们对那些在这个早晨无法登陆的玩家致以深深的歉意。我们花了大量的时间进行修复和优化排队系统,想提升游戏体验。 玩家峰值几乎接近10000,但是我们必须削减服务器人口上限,以确保服务器的平稳运行。随着全世界玩家在未来几天内逐渐按时区上线,我们将继续对服务器玩家上限进行调整。
我们的服务器吸引力巨大,当我们发布这条消息时,已经有 11个玩家达到15级。 我们收到了许多关于调 野怪刷新速度的反馈,我们已经多次调整动态野怪刷新机制,我们将保持关注,直到完全满意为止。
最后,感谢那些加入Kronos III 的玩家,谢谢你们一路的支持。
问:Kronos III 是否会像Kronos I 一样买卖 角色?
答:几周前,我们宣布计划取消所有现金买卖,包括角色交易。我们现在仍然坚持这样。这个决定来源于玩家们的集体反馈和诉求,这也是Kronos 团队一直以来的想法,也得到了twinstar的同意。
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Kronos III Post-Launch Update
Dear Community,
We’re now over 6 hours into the launch of Kronos III, and wanted to take a few moments to share an update with everyone.
First and foremost, we want to extend our sincerest apologies to those who experienced trouble logging into the server this morning. We spent much of the day making fixes and optimizations to this process, so that players experience a better queuing system going forward. The peak population today grew to nearly 10,000 players online, but we have reduced the cap in order to ensure a stable and smooth experience. As players disperse throughout the world over the next few days, we will continue to make incremental adjustments to the population cap.
We’ve already seen our first WSG pop, and as of the time of posting this news article, we have 11 players who have reached level 15. We’ve also heard your feedback regarding the respawn rates, and we have made multiple adjustments to the dynamic respawn system. We will continue making adjustments here until we are completely satisfied.
Last, we would like to extend our thanks to all of you who joined us today. We are grateful for the support that so much of the community has shown to us. Safe travels and happy leveling!
-Kronos Staff
Q: Is it possible to buy/trade characters on TwinStar like we could on Kronos I?
A: It was announced a few weeks ago that our plans are to remove all cash-shop features including character auctions. That is still the plan. It will not be possible to buy characters, mounts or anything else for Kronos III. The decision to disable these services are as a result of community feedback and is also something the Kronos team have wanted for a long time, although the decision was finally agreed to by TwinStar.
Q: What are the specifics regarding the announced group-experience bonus?
A: “Party bonus” experience is not in itself a new concept, it is part of the blizzlike design. We’ve simply increased the bonuses by 30% and made the feature include 2-man groups.