Good afternoon Crestfallen and welcome to Q&A 4. All questions for this Q&A were taken from replies to the last Q&A post. As always, we'd like to remind you all that questions regarding a release date will be ignored and that Asura currently remains committed to a 2017 release. You will be the first ones to know about the release date as we approach it. There is currently no further news regarding the Open Beta release we are working towards.


This months Q&A is much smaller than usual, since much of last months discussion was taken up by people discussing multiboxing rather than asking questions. Remember, we don't just make up these questions, we're answering to the community. If you don't ask, we can't answer.


As part of last months discussion on multiboxing, we have released a final decision regarding multibox rules. Please see this thread here.



Are you following actual retail precedent with your node pooling system or should we expect that areas that used to have only copper nodes for example, will spawn copper nodes as well as other things - or is it being changed so that what actually spawns in certain areas could be anything?

Our intention is to keep the same types of resources in the same areas.  You won't see an iron node where you used to see a copper node.  The system is designed only to randomize the exact location of a node from a single point to somewhere with a pathable radius of that point, and to randomize the spawn timers.  Players grinding in an area should see roughly the same amount of resources as they are used to, but more randomly placed, so as to interfere with spawn camping and farming bots.

我们打算保持同一地区中产出相同类型的资源种类。你不会在曾经看到铜矿点的地方刷出铁矿来。该系统仅设计为将节点从单个点的确切位置随机化到具有该点的可到达路径半径的某处,并随机化生成的计时器。 在一个地区辛苦劳作的玩家应该会看到大致相同的资源量,而不是随机放置,以便干扰刷矿机器人。

How fast will the launch of new raids / expansions happen?

We intend to release a new raid every four months, give or take.  Expansions are obviously a much larger step and will involve careful monitoring of server progress before we make the move to a new expansion.  We could roughly estimate 1.5 years from Vanilla to TBC, but that remains a very rough estimate that could change in either direction depending on development and player progress.

我们打算每四个月发放一次新的副本。 扩展显然是一个更大的步骤,并在我们进行新的扩展之前仔细监视服务器进度。 我们可以大概估计从Vanilla到TBC要1.5年,但是这仍然是一个非常粗略的估计,可能会随着开发进展和玩家进度而改变。

Any ideas or clues to how you will handle Vanilla duration or will you run the server 100% blizzlike and run vanilla to TBC the same amount of days blizzard did?


We anticipate progressing to TBC around 16-24 months after release.



Our intention is to use the 1.12 drop tables for all bosses in 20/40 man content.



We will consult with the community and make a decision on this at a future point should the necessity ever arise. Of course, we hope to maintain two viable servers and never have to merge.


Will Talisman of Binding Shard drop on Crestfall server?


Once per server.


Will fleeing mobs be snareable? This is one of those annoying bugs that all p-server have.


Yes, they are. There is still currently a bug where if you cast something on a mob that is fleeing due to low health, the snare (or other effect) applies, but the mob will immediately stop fleeing and re-aggro you.  One more item for the list


I read that you will limit 2 accounts active at a time per IP. If there are multiple persons living together like my roommates and I in the same house can we send in a petition to allow more access without being blocked or banned from implemented protocols?


We have not yet decided entirely on the 2 account/IP limit yet and remains conjectural. This will be clarified and announced prior to launch. It may be that only two people will be allowed to access the server at a time from any given IP address.  If we choose to do that, there will be no exceptions considered, since we would have no way of knowing if you are legitimately requesting access for humans, or just botting/multiboxing.  The reality of the situation is that we are willing to break some eggs in order to make this omelette.

实际上我们还没有完全决定2帐号/ IP限制。 这将在发布之前澄清并公布。 若是只允许两个人从任何给定的IP地址访问服务器。 如果我们选择这样做,那么将不会考虑任何例外,因为我们无法知道您的情况是否属实。真实的情况是,我们愿意打破一些鸡蛋,以制作这个煎蛋卷。


How do druid hots work on Crestfall? Will for example any rejuvination with the same rank overwrite another, or will the druid with the most +healing have a rejuvination that is impossible to overwrite from the others? I have heard arguments that both were the cases in vanilla, and I'm pretty confused to be honest.


Any HoT spell will overwrite another HoT spell of the same rank, regardless of talents or gear.  It is up to the healers in the group to ensure they are placing their heals efficiently without wasting their mana, and ensuring the best heals go on the targets that need them.



Will your TBC realm have a similar launch state in regards to locked quests/zones/instances as your vanilla realm?


The TBC launch is far enough away that we have not finalized any plans of that nature.  It would be fair to conjecture that we will launch TBC in it's pre-nerf state, with the full attunement chains required for access to the higher tiered raid dungeons, and have the top tier raids locked until further into the timeline.

TBC的发布还早得很,我们还没有完成任何实质性的计划。 推测我们将在尽可能公平的状态下推出TBC,拥有完整的协调链以访问较高层次的地下城,并将最高级别的副本锁定直到合适的时间表。

Q&A 5 will be scheduled for next month (August), date as yet undecided. Q&A 5 will be led by other team members as I will be on holiday at the time. This will be communicated to you all in due course.

问答第5期定于下个月(8月),日期尚未决定。Q 5将由其他团队成员领导,届时我将休假。届时将传达给你们所有人。

Edited July 23 by Inari

Inari 723