
欢迎大家踊跃参与E服的首发压力测试, 借此测试帮助我们尽可能的测试出服务器在极限负载下的运行表现(目的是挤爆down机最好,这是我们国人的优势项目). 因为真金不怕火炼,好货不怕实验. 压力测试将在11月20号的星期天开始. 本次测试所运行硬件将用在最容量最小的Nostalrius PvE服上. 期待大家的参与, 让新手区(出生地)的怪物接受最热情的wower们炙热的蹂躏吧 !

Join us in the first Elysium stress test! Help us to crash it as many times as possible. What kills it will only make it stronger! Join us Sunday, November 20th, to help us with our research. This test will be featuring the hardware for our smallest server, Nostalrius PvE. Looking forward to seeing you! Give those starting zone creatures hell!

11月20日,我们在Nostalrius PVE服等你!

Elysium高素质国人综合群 565669675

Valkyrie Elysium综合群