
White Tuxedo Shirt  白色礼服衬衣

Direwing Legguards  魔翼护腿

Fang of the Mystics  秘法之牙

Blazefury Medallion  火焰之怒

Royal Seal of Alexis  阿莱克希斯皇家戒指

Zum'rah's Vexing Cane 祖穆拉恩的能量法杖

Jumanza Grips  苏玛赞护手

Flame Mantle of the Dawn 火焰黎明衬肩

Frost Mantle of the Dawn  冰霜黎明衬肩

Arcane Mantle of the Dawn 奥术黎明衬肩

Nature Mantle of the Dawn 自然黎明衬肩

Shadow Mantle of the Dawn 暗影黎明衬肩

Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn 多彩黎明衬肩

Drape of Benediction 祝福披风

Crescent Key 月牙钥匙

Gordok Shackle Key  戈多克镣铐钥匙

Runn Tum Tuber Surprise 洛恩塔姆薯块

Gordok Courtyard Key  戈多克庭院钥匙

Recipe: Runn Tum Tuber Surprise 食谱:洛恩塔姆薯块

Gordok Inner Door Key 戈多克内门钥匙

Barbed Thorn Necklace 刺毛荆棘项链

Phasing Boots 相位长靴

Marksman Bands 神射手腕轮

Unbridled Leggings 放肆护腿

Lethtendris's Wand 蕾瑟塔蒂丝的魔杖

Band of Vigor 活力指环

Breakwater Legguards 破水护腿

Gloves of Shadowy Mist 暗影迷雾手套

Riptide Shoes 破潮软鞋

Clever Hat 聪明帽

Gloves of Restoration 恢复手套

Fiendish Machete 恶魔弯刀

Quel'dorai Channeling Rod 奎尔多雷导能魔杖

Energized Chestplate 充能胸甲

Helm of Awareness 警觉头盔

Ring of Demonic Guile 恶魔狡诈之戒

Ring of Demonic Potency 恶魔力量之戒

Tempest Talisman 暴雨护符

Merciful Greaves 怜悯胫甲

Fervent Helm 炽热头盔

Energetic Rod 高能魔棒

Waterspout Boots 海风长靴

Satyr's Bow 萨特长弓

Waveslicer  削浪者

Felhide Cap  魔皮软帽

Razor Gauntlets 剃刀护手

Whipvine Cord 刺藤腰带

Shadewood Cloak 影木披风

Gauntlet of Gordok Might 戈多克力量护手

Orphic Bracers 迷人护腕

Wand of Arcane Potency 奥术潜能魔杖

Eidolon Cloak 幻像披风

Eidolon Talisman 幻像护符

Petrified Band 石化指环

Stonebark Gauntlets 石化树皮护手

Murmuring Ring 低语戒指

Threadbare Trousers 无丝长裤

Well Balanced Axe 精衡战斧

Quel'Serrar 奎尔塞拉

Gauntlets of Accuracy 精准护手

Amplifying Cloak 魔法增幅披风

Magically Sealed Bracers 魔法封印护腕

Petrified Bark Shield 石化树皮盾牌

Stoneflower Staff 石花法杖

Pimgib's Collar 匹姆吉布的项圈

Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery 迦罗娜:潜行与诡计研究

Codex of Defense 防御宝典

The Arcanist's Cookbook 奥法师的食谱

The Light and How to Swing It 圣光之力

Harnessing Shadows 束缚之影

The Greatest Race of Hunters 最伟大的猎手

Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You 光明不会告诉你的事情

Frost Shock and You 你与冰霜震击

The Emerald Dream 翡翠梦境

Gordok's Handguards 戈多克护手

Gordok's Gauntlets   戈多克手甲

Gordok's Gloves   戈多克手套

Gordok's Handwraps 戈多克裹手

Vigilance Charm  警惕护符

Mindtap Talisman 心灵之流

Blade of the New Moon 新月之刃

Chestplate of Tranquility 宁静胸甲

Flamescarred Shoulders 火痕护肩

Bracers of the Eclipse 日蚀护腕

Timeworn Mace 古旧钉锤

Quickdraw Gloves 迅捷手套

Silvermoon Leggings 银月护腿

Odious Greaves 憎恶胫甲

Eldritch Reinforced Legplates 怪异强化腿甲

Evil Eye Pendant 邪眼坠饰

Fluctuating Cloak 脉动披风

Force Imbued Gauntlets 附力护手

Bile-etched Spaulders  胆汁肩铠

Robe of Everlasting Night  永恒长夜法袍

Padre's Trousers 教士长裤

Brightspark Gloves 火花手套

Stoneshatter 破石者

Cloak of the Cosmos 和谐披风

Tanglemoss Leggings 苔藓护腿

Eyestalk Cord 眼柄束带

Distracting Dagger 混乱匕首

Warpwood Binding 扭木腰带

Demon Howl Wristguards 恶魔嚎叫护腕

Emerald Flame Ring 碧绿烈焰戒指

Mind Carver 心灵雕刻者

Elder Magus Pendant法师长老饰物

Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying 弗洛尔的屠龙技术纲要

Belt of the Archmage 大法师腰带

Felcloth Gloves 恶魔布手套

Inferno Gloves 地狱火手套

Mooncloth Gloves 月布手套

Sprinter's Sword 奔行者之剑

Spry Boots 活跃之靴

Cloak of Warding 监护披风

Pattern: Belt of the Archmage 图样:大法师腰带

Pattern: Felcloth Gloves 图样:恶魔布手套

Pattern: Inferno Gloves  图样:地狱火手套

Pattern: Mooncloth Gloves 图样:月布手套

Pattern: Cloak of Warding 图样:监护披风

Bonecrusher 碾骨者

Backwood Helm 密林头盔

Head of Onyxia 奥妮克希亚的头颅

Head of Onyxia 奥妮克希亚的头颅

Sedge Boots 莎草长靴

Kreeg's Mug 克雷格的杯子

Lethtendris's Web 蕾瑟塔蒂丝的网

Robe of Combustion 燃烧法袍

Hyena Hide Belt 土狼皮带

Modest Armguards 谦虚护臂

Gallant's Wristguards 豪侠护腕

Unsophisticated Hand Cannon 简易手持火炮

Jagged Bone Fist 粗糙的骨制手套

Ogre Pocket Knife 食人魔小刀

Gordok Nose Ring 戈多克鼻环

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas 埃雷萨拉斯皇家徽记

Oddly Magical Belt 古怪的魔法腰带

Mud Stained Boots 沾泥的靴子

Shaggy Leggings 粗糙的护腿

Hyena Hide Jerkin 土狼皮外套

Carrion Scorpid Helm 腐蝎头盔

Scarab Plate Helm 板壳头盔

Skullcracking Mace 碎骨钉锤

Ogre Toothpick Shooter 食人魔牙签发射器

Mana Channeling Wand 法力引导魔杖

Cho'Rush's Blade 克鲁什之刃

Observer's Shield 观察者盾牌

Mooncloth Robe 月布长袍

Pattern: Mooncloth Robe 图样:月布长袍

Insightful Hood 洞悉兜帽

Bulky Iron Spaulders 巨大的铁护肩

Denwatcher's Shoulders 洞穴守卫护肩

Redoubt Cloak 壁垒披风

Heliotrope Cloak 紫罗兰披风

Sublime Wristguards 庄严护腕

Hedgecutter 修剪器

Barrier Shield 荆棘盾牌

Tarnished Elven Ring 暗淡的精灵戒指

Felvine Shard 魔藤碎片

Monstrous Glaive 巨型长刃

Kromcrush's Chestplate 克罗卡斯的胸甲

Girdle of Insight 洞察束带

Mugger's Belt 沼泽鳄皮腰带

Mongoose Boots 猫鼬长靴

Boots of the Full Moon 圆月长靴

Swift Flight Bracers 迅行护腕

Chromatic Cloak 多彩披风

Hide of the Wild 野性之皮

Shifting Cloak 移形披风

Pattern: Girdle of Insight 图样:洞察束带

Pattern: Mongoose Boots 图样:猫鼬长靴

Pattern: Swift Flight Bracers 图样:迅行护腕

Pattern: Chromatic Cloak 图样:多彩披风

Pattern: Hide of the Wild 图样:野性之皮

Pattern: Shifting Cloak 图样:移形披风

Barbarous Blade 残暴之刃

Grimy Metal Boots   肮脏的金属靴

Band of the Ogre King  食人魔大王指环

Brightly Glowing Stone 明亮的石头

Leggings of Destruction 毁灭护腿

Bracers of Prosperity 繁荣护腕

Crown of the Ogre King 食人魔领袖之冠

Harmonious Gauntlets 和谐护手

Cyclone Spaulders 飓风肩铠

Elemental Plate Girdle 元素板甲束带

Ogre Forged Hauberk 食人魔锁甲

Unyielding Maul 坚硬巨槌

Mindsurge Robe 心灵漩涡长袍

Gordok Bracers of Power 戈多克能量护腕

Rod of the Ogre Magi 食人魔法师魔棒

Milli's Shield 米利的盾牌

Milli's Lexicon 米利的词典

Counterattack Lodestone 反击磁石

Treant's Bane 古树天敌

Reliquary of Purity 净化之匣

Sealed Reliquary of Purity 封印的净化之匣

Puissant Cape 强者斗篷

Typhoon 台风

Ring of Entropy 混乱之戒

Doomhide Gauntlets 厄运皮护手

Leggings of Arcane Supremacy 无上奥法护腿

Infernal Headcage 恶魔颅壳

Unmelting Ice Girdle 永冻腰带

Elementium Ore 源质矿石

Reliquary of Purity 净化之匣

Lesser Firestone 次级火焰石

Spellstone 法术石

Celestial Orb 苍穹宝珠

Vanquisher's Sword 征服者之剑

Amberglow Talisman 琥珀之光

Spirit of Aquementas 亚奎门塔斯之魂

Felstriker 恶魔之击

The Postmaster's Treads 邮差的布靴

Greater Spellstone 强效法术石

Major Spellstone 特效法术石

Firestone 火焰石

Greater Firestone 强效火焰石

Major Firestone 特效火焰石

Pattern: Truefaith Vestments  图样:信念外衣

Pattern: Robe of the Archmage 图样:大法师之袍

Pattern: Robe of the Void 图样:虚空法袍

Magister's Bindings 博学者腕轮

Magister's Belt     博学者腰带

Magister's Crown   博学者头冠

Magister's Robes  博学者长袍

Magister's Mantle 博学者衬肩

Shadowcraft Boots  迅影长靴

Choker of Enlightenment 启示项链